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We are part of the Mechanical Science and Engineering Department in the Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois.
We thank the Oil Spill Recovery Institute for funding
>>> Biodegradation and transport of oil droplets
We thank the National Science Foundation for funding
>>> Collaborative Research: ECO-CBET: From Molecules to Sustainable Reef Platforms: Engineering Ecosystems for Coral Recruitment and Survival
>>> Convergence: RAISE: Engineering Coral Reef Recovery
Please do not contact the PI.
We are part of the Mechanical Science and Engineering Department in the Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois.
We thank the Oil Spill Recovery Institute for funding
>>> Biodegradation and transport of oil droplets
We thank the National Science Foundation for funding
>>> Collaborative Research: ECO-CBET: From Molecules to Sustainable Reef Platforms: Engineering Ecosystems for Coral Recruitment and Survival
>>> Convergence: RAISE: Engineering Coral Reef Recovery
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Please do not contact the PI.
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Meet The Team
''Més que un club''
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Please do not contact the PI.
Journal articles
under review and published
- An in vitro living system for flow rectification
- Direct visualization and quantification of Caribbean coral larvae chemotactic behavior to organic and inorganic cues
- The effect of surface topography on benthic boundary layer flow: implications for marine larval transport and settlement
- Growth induced phase changes in bacteria colonies at liquid interfaces
Z. Dou, H. Liu, Z. Li, F. K. Chan, Y. Bhosale, O. Aydin, G. Juarez, M. T. A. Saif, L. P. Chamorro, M. Gazzola
under review (2024)
K. Deshpande, D. J. Gysbers, ..., and G. Juarez
under review (2024)
D. J. Gysbers, M. A. Levenstein, and G. Juarez
under review (2024)
B. Langeslay and G. Juarez
under review (2024)
- Strain rate controls alignment in growing bacterial monolayers
- Stress and Alignment Response to Curved Obstacles in Growing Bacterial Monolayers
- Synchronous oscillatory electro-inertial focusing for microparticle manipulation
- Coral larval settlement induction using tissue-associated and exuded coralline algae metabolites and the identification of putative chemical cues
- Hydrodynamic Treadmill Reveals Reduced Rising Speeds of Oil Droplets Deformed by Marine Bacteria
- Microdomains and stress distributions in bacterial monolayers on curved substrates
- Understanding the aggregation and flow response of donor-acceptor conjugated polymers
- Tubulation and dispersion of oil by bacterial growth on droplets
- Millimeter-scale topography facilitates coral larval settlement in wave-driven oscillatory flow
- Multicurvature viscous streaming: flow topology and particle manipulation
- Effect of dispersants on bacterial colonization of oil droplets: a microfluidic approach
- Hyperactivation is Sufficient to Release Porcine Sperm from Immobilized Oviduct Glycans
- A tradeoff between physical encounters and consumption determines an optimal droplet size for degradation
- Composite Substrates Reveal Inorganic Material Cues for Coral Larval Settlement
- Assembly and characterization of an external driver for the generation of sub-kilohertz oscillatory flows in microchannels
- Inertial focusing in planar pulsatile flows
- Generation and application of sub-kilohertz oscillatory flows in microchannels
- Steady streaming flows in viscoelastic liquids
- Steady streaming viscometry of Newtonian liquids in microfluidic devices
- Modeling the impact of dilution on the microbial degradation time of dispersed oil in marine environments
- Designing engineering tasks for collaborative problem solving
- Regular and irregular splashing of drops on geometric targets
- 64th APS DFD Milton Van Dyke poster award winner
- Splash control of drop impacts with small geometric targets
- Featured in Physical Review E Kaleidoscope Images
- Mixing by cutting and shuffling 3D granular flow in spherical tumblers
- Extensional rheology of DNA suspensions in microfluidic devices
- Transition to centrifuging granular flow in rotating tumblers: a modified Froude number
- Motility of small nematodes in wet granular media
- Mixing by cutting and shuffling
- Granular coarsening: Phase space and evolution analogies
- Featured in Physical Review E Kaleidoscope Images
- Axial band scaling for bidisperse mixtures in granular tumblers
B. Langeslay, and G. Juarez
Soft Matter, 20, 8468-8479 (2024)
B. Langeslay, W. Fahy, and G. Juarez
Physical Review E, 109, 054608, (2024)
G. Vishwanathan and G. Juarez
Biomicrofluidics, 17, 064105 (2023)
Z. A. Quinlan, M. Bennett, M. G. I. Arts, M. Levenstein, D. Flores, H. M. Tholen, L. Tichy, G. Juarez, A. F. Haas, V. F. Chamberland, K. R. W. Latijnhouwers, M. J. A. Vermeij, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, K. L. Marhaver and L. W. Kelly
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290, 20231476 (2023)
V. Hickl, H. H. Pamu, and G. Juarez
Environmental Science and Technology, 57, 37, 14082–14089 (2023)
B. Langeslay and G. Juarez
Soft Matter, 19, 3605-3613 (2023)
J. J. Kwok, G. Vishwanathan, K. S. Park, B. B. Patel, D. Zhao, G. Juarez, and Y. Diao
Macromolecules, 55, 10153-10166 (2022)
V. Hickl and G. Juarez
Soft Matter, 18, 7217-7228 (2022)
M. A. Levenstein, D. J. Gysbers, K. L. Marhaver, S. Kattom, Z. A. Quinlan, H. M. Tholen, L. Tichy, L. W. Kelley, M. A. Vermeij, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, and G. Juarez
PLoS ONE, 17, e0274088 (2022)
Y. Bhosale, G. Vishwanathan, G. Upadhyay, T. Parthasarathy, G. Juarez, and M. Gazzola
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, e2120538119 (2022)
V. Hickl and G. Juarez
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 178, 113645 (2022)
M. Sharif, V. Hickl, G. Juarez, X. Di, K. Kerns, P. Sutovsky, N. Bovin, and D. J. Miller
Scientific Reports, 12, 6446 (2022)
V. I. Fernandez, R. Stocker, and G. Juarez
Scientific Reports, 12, 4734 (2022)
M. A. Levenstein, K. L. Marhaver, Z. A. Quinlan, H. M. Tholen, L. Tichy, J. Yus, I. Lightcap, L. W. Kelley, G. Juarez, M. J. A. Vermeij and A. J. Wagoner Johnson
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 10, 12, 3960-3971 (2022)
G. Vishwanathan and G. Juarez
Journal of Visualized Experiments (179), e63294 (2022)
G. Vishwanathan and G. Juarez
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 921, R1 (2021)
G. Vishwanathan and G. Juarez
Microfluidics Nanofluidics, 24, 69 (2020)
G. Vishwanathan and G. Juarez
Journal of non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 271, 104143 (2019)
G. Vishwanathan and G. Juarez
Physics of Fluids, 31, 041701 (2019)
V. I. Fernandez, R. Stocker, and G. Juarez
Oilfield Microbiology, CRC Press, 215-232, (2019)
S. Shehab, E. Mercier, M. Kersh, G. Juarez, and H. Zhao
12th International Conference on Computer Supported Learning, 2, 825-826 (2017)
G. Juarez, T. Gastopoulos, Y. Zhang, M. L. Siegel, and P. E. Arratia
Physics of Fluids, 24, 091105 (2012)
G. Juarez, T. Gastopoulos, Y. Zhang, M. L. Siegel, and P. E. Arratia
Physical Review E, 85, 026319 (2012)
G. Juarez, I. C. Christov, J. M. Ottino, and R. M. Lueptow
Chemical Engineering Science, 73, 195-207 (2012)
G. Juarez and P. E. Arratia
Soft Matter, 7, 9444 (2011)
G. Juarez, P. Chen, and R. M. Lueptow
New Journal of Physics, 13, 053055 (2011)
G. Juarez, K. Lu, J. Sznitman, and P. E. Arratia
Europhysics Letters, 92, 44002 (2010)
G. Juarez, R. M. Lueptow, J. M. Ottino, R. Sturman, and S. Wiggins
Europhysics Letters, 91, 20003 (2010)
G. Juarez, R. M. Lueptow, and J. M. Ottino
Physical Review E, 81, 012301 (2010)
G. Juarez, J. M. Ottino, and R. M. Lueptow
Physical Review E, 78, 031306 (2008)
Image and video gallery
- Surface Curvature Directs Growth of Bacterial Biofilms
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center highligh article (2024) - Dancing Larvae in Benthic Boundary Layer Flow
Daniel Gysbers and Gabriel Juarez
APS DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion poster (2023) - The Viscous Scream
Koumudhi Deshpande and Gabriel Juarez
APS DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion poster (2023) - Coral Corrals
Gabriel Juarez and Daniel Gysbers
APS DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion poster (2023) -
Terraforming microscopic planets
Blake Langeslay and Gabriel Juarez
APS Gallery of soft matter physics poster (2023) - Assembly and Characterization of an External Driver for the Generation of Sub-Kilohertz Oscillatory Flow in Microchannels
Giridar Vishwanathan and Gabriel Juarez
Journal of Visualized Experiments (2022) - The Soap Opera
Giridar Vishwanathan and Gabriel Juarez
APS DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion poster (2020) - Rough Night
Daniel Gysbers, Mark Levenstein, Amy Wagoner Johnson, and Gabriel Juarez
APS DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion poster (2020) - Smile, you're on high-speed camera
Giridar Vishwanathan
UIUC Graduate Image of Research competition, 3rd place winner (2019) - Mysteries of the Ocean
MIT/ETH Zurich Environmental Microfluidics lab
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation video highlight (2015) - The complexity of fluids
University of Pennsylvania Complex Fluids lab
American Society of Mechanical Engineers video highlight (2013) - C. elegans in complex media
X. N. Shen, G. Juarez, and P. E. Arratia
64th APS DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion video (2011) - Splash control using geometric targets
G. Juarez, Y. Zhang, T. Gastopoulos, and P. E. Arratia
63rd APS DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion video (2010)